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Preface (and Copyright)
PART 1: The Way of Righteousness According to the Torah
1. God Has Spoken (Introduction) 2. What Is God Like? (Genesis 1) 3. Satan & the Angels (Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28) 4. How God Made the World (Genesis 1) 5. Why God Created Man (Genesis 1, 2) 6. Adam & Eve & the Garden of Paradise (Genesis 2) 7. How Sin Entered the World (Genesis 3) 8. What Adam's Sin Produced (Genesis 3) 9. The Wonderful Promise (Genesis 3) 10. Cain & Abel: the Way of Sacrifice (Genesis 4) 11. Unrepentant Cain (Genesis 4) 12. The Prophet Enoch (Genesis 4, 5) 13. The Prophet Noah: God's Patience & Wrath (Genesis 6) 14. Noah & the Great Flood (Genesis 7) 15. Noah & the Faithfulness of God (Genesis 8, 9) 16. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 10, 11) 17. Review of "The Beginning" (Genesis 1-11) 18. Why God Called Abraham (Genesis 12) 19. Abraham, God's Friend (Genesis 13-15) 20. Abraham & Ishmael (Genesis 16, 17) 21. Sodom's Ruin & Isaac's Birth (Genesis 18-21) 22. Abraham's Sacrifice (Genesis 22) 23. Esau & Jacob: the Temporal & the Eternal (Genesis 25) 24. Jacob Becomes Israel (Genesis 28-32) 25. Joseph's Humiliation (Genesis 37-39) 26. Joseph's Exaltation (Genesis 40-42) 27. Joseph: the Rest of the Story (Genesis 42-50) 28. Review of the First Book of the Torah (Genesis 1-50; Exodus 1) 29. The Prophet Moses (Exodus 1, 2) 30. Moses Meets God (Exodus 3, 4) 31. Pharaoh: Who Is the Lord? (Exodus 4-7) 32. The Plagues (Exodus 7-10) 33. The Passover Lamb (Exodus 11, 12) 34. A Path Through the Sea (Exodus 13-15) 35. Food in the Desert (Exodus 16, 17) 36. Fiery Mount Sinai (Exodus 19, 20) 37. Ten Holy Commandments (Exodus 20) 38. Purpose of the Commandments (Exodus 20) 39. Broken Commandments (Exodus 32) 40. The Tent of Meeting (Exodus 24-40; Leviticus 16) 41. The Israelites' Unbelief (Numbers 13, 14) 42. The Bronze Snake (Numbers 20, 21) 43. Moses' Final Message (Deuteronomy) 44. Joshua & the Land of Canaan (Joshua) 45. Judges & Ruth (Judges; Ruth)
PART 2: The Way of Righteousness According to the Psalms and the Prophets
46. Samuel, Saul & David (1 Samuel. 1-16; Psalms 8, 23) 47. David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17; Psalm 27) 48. King David & God's Promise (1 Samuel 18 - 2 Samuel 7) 49. David & Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11, 12; Psalms 51, 32) 50. The Prophet David & the Messiah (Psalms 1, 2) 51. More from the Psalms (Psalms 22, 16) 52. The Prophet Solomon (1 Kings 2-10, Psalm 72) 53. The Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 6-18) 54. The Prophet Jonah (Jonah) 55. The Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah) 56. The Prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah) 57. The Prophet Daniel (Daniel 1, 6) 58. The Prophet Zechariah (Ezra, Zechariah) 59. The Message of the Prophets Summarized (Malachi)
PART 3: The Way of Righteousness According to the Gospel
60. The Prophet John (Luke 1) 61. The Announcement (Luke 1; Matthew 1) 62. The Messiah's Birth (Luke 2; Matthew 2) 63. The Holy Son (Luke 2; Matthew 3, 4) 64. The Lamb of God (John 1) 65. The Great Healer (Mark 1, 2) 66. The Great Teacher (Matthew 5-7) 67. You Must Be Born Again (John 3) 68. The Savior of the World (John 4; Luke 4) 69. Jesus' Authority (Matthew 12; John 5) 70. Jesus' Power (Mark 4-6; Matthew 9, 10) 71. Two Important Parables (Luke 8; Matthew 13) 72. The Bread of Life (Mark 6; John 6) 73. Jesus Causes Division (Matthew 15, 16; John 7) 74. The Light of the World (John 8, 9) 75. The Lord of Glory (Matthew 16, 17) 76. The Good Shepherd (John 10) 77. The Heart of God (Luke 18, 15) 78. The Resurrection & the Life (John 11, 12) 79. Jesus Enters Jerusalem (Luke 18-20) 80. Hard & True Words (Matthew 22-25) 81. The Last Supper (Matthew 26) 82. Jesus Is Arrested (John 14; Matthew 26) 83. Jesus Is Condemned (Matthew 26, 27; John 18, 19) 84. Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross (Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19) 85. Jesus Is Risen (Matthew 28; Luke 24; John 20) 86. Jesus Ascends to Heaven (Matthew 28; Luke 24; Acts 1) 87. The Holy Spirit Has Come (Acts 1, 2) 88. Jesus Is Coming Back (Revelation 19-22)
PART 4: The Way of Righteousness Summarized
89. The Good News 90. Man's Questions; God's Answers (#1) 91. Man's Questions; God's Answers (#2) 92. How Should Christ's Disciples Live? 93. Review #1: Adam: the Problem of Sin (Genesis 1-4) 94. Review #2: Abraham: Righteous by Faith (Genesis 6-22) 95. Review #3: Moses: God's Holy Law (Exodus 1-20) 96. Review #4: Christ: "It Is Finished!" (John 19; Hebrews 10) 97. Hell (Luke 16) 98. Paradise (Revelation 21, 22) 99. What Do You Think about Jesus? (#1) 100. What Do You Think about Jesus? (#2)
Appendices ([A],[B],[C],[D]) for more explanation on the structure and usage of the above lessons.
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